Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I think SPRING is coming

I dont know but I have a very good feeling that we are about out of the woods. Any day now Robins should be coming to our bird Feeder. We just moved our clocks ahead. at work we have went through a ton of patch mix and have about a ton to go. I think groundhogs day was 6 weeks ago. Easters in 2 weeks and you now what that means "He has Risen" !!

You don't really think about what your kids remember from years before. Rick texted me about a trip he and I took a few years ago to get a parts truck for Steve(a Guy I help from time to time) this was also a test drive for the Suburban (we bought it after the trip) to Austin Minnesota. He was asking about a town in Iowa, Independence. It is the town that we had to go to and get a sparkplug for the Suburban (1 had came out on the highway).